Present Mathadhipati Of Sri Kashi Math
Samsthan, Varanasi
|| श्रीमत् परमहंस परिव्राजकाचार्य कुलतिलक यमनियमाध्यष्ठांग योग संपन्नपद वाक्य प्रमाण पारावार पारंगत सर्वतंत्र स्वतंत्रश्रीमद्वैष्णव सिद्धांत प्रतिष्ठापनाचार्यश्रीमद्व्यास रघुपति देव दिव्य श्रीपाद पद्मारधकश्रीमत् वरदेंद्र तीर्थ श्रीपादकरकमल संजात श्रीमत् सुक्रतींद्र तीर्थ श्रीपादवर कुमारक श्रीमत् सुधींद्र तीर्थ श्रीपादैः जयते ||
Shrimath Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji, the presentMathadhipati of Shree Kashi Math Samsthan, isthe twentieth Swamiji in the Guru Parampara. Inthe Poorvashram (before being initiated intosanyasa by the previous Swamiji), he was knownas Shri Sadashiva Shenoy, son of Shri RamadasShenoy, a trustee of Shri Venkataramana Templein Ernakulam. He was born at Ernakulam on 31stMarch, 1926. He completed his Pre-Universityeducation in Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam andselected Natural Science, Physics and Chemistryas his main subjects. From an early age he hadshown inclination towards a religious life. Thenoble traits of his character, his devotion to God,his desire to serve his fellow men, his honesty,his integrity and his love for Hindu Dharma wereremarkable. When Shrimath Sukrateendra ThirthaSwamiji was camping at Ernakulam, this youngboy attracted his attention. The Swamiji had theintuition to choose the right man and wasdivinely inspired to select this boy to be his fittestsuccessor, later to head Shree Kashi MathSamsthan. The father’s consent was obtained forthe transformation of the college student into aSanyasi, eventually to lead a sizeable portion ofVaishnava Goud Saraswath Brahmin communityin the righteous path of Vaishnava Dharma.The Guru-Swami took him to Mulki and
onWednesday, 24th May 1944 (Karka Lagna, JeshtaShuddha Dviteeya of Tarana Samvatsara,Shalivahana Shaka 1866) initiated him intoSanyas in the divine presence of Lord SriVenkataramana, Sri Ugra Narasimha and SriBindu Madhava in Mulki (KA IN) and renamedhim as SHRIMATH SUDHINDRA THIRTHA, whothen severed the family connections and took tohis new duties earnestly and enthusiastically andled an austere life. He felt the need of equippinghimself with all the knowledge of the DharmaShastras. He mastered Sanskrit at theBhuvanendra Sanskrit College, Karkala. Thescholarly teachers of the college were appointedto impart the necessary education in DharmaShastras. He was camping in Shrinivasa Ashramain the College premises. In those days he wasvery fond of animals. There were many petsincluding a deer and a tiger cub in ShrinivasaAshrama.After
taking the vow of celibacy in 1944 andpreserving
it since then, the Swamiji strives day inand
day out for the welfare and uplift of thecommunity
as a whole. Endowed with excellentgrasping
power, wonderful memory andextraordinary
intelligence and plenty of God’sgrace
and Guru’s blessings, he completed hisstudy
in a short time. The Brahma Sutra, TheBhagavad
Gita and the Upanishads (PrasthanaTraya)
and other works were studied in greatdetail.
He became a great scholar in Dwaitaphilosophy,
as propounded by ShriMadhvacharya.
He learnt the methods ofworshipping
God according to Agama Shastra. Hetravelled
with the Guru to various places andpicked
up his duties well. He sat at the feet of theGuru
and learnt the traditions of Shree KashiMath.His
Holiness had taken charge of the Samsthanin
1949 after the Mukti of his Guru ShrimathSukrathindra
Thirtha Swamiji in Kochi. He borethe
loss of his Guru with courage and took overthe
reigns of the spiritual chariot of the followersof
Shree Kashi Math Samsthan in his able handsand
has been leading the chariot since then.He
traveled widely from Kanya Kumari toBadrinath,
meeting his disciples, exhorting themto
lead a life of morality and religion, conductingthe
pujas to Shri Vyasa-Raghupati withunbounded
devotion and single-pointedconcentration
and praying at all times for thewelfare
of the community. Kindness, compassion,generosity
and breadth of vision are the strongtraits
of his way of work. He visited many placesof
pilgrimage including Nashik, Ujjain,Kurukshetra,
Mathura, Ayodhya, Prayag, Kashi,Haridwar,
Rishikesh, Badri, Tirupati, Srirangam,Madurai,
Palani, Kumbhakonam, Rameshwaramand
Kanya Kumari.Shrimath
Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji, like hispredecessor
Swamijis, performed manyinstallation
and re-installation ceremonies invarious
temples. Thus he performed the thirdrenovation/
reinstallation ceremony of ShriVenkataramana
Temple, Kundapura on VaishakhaShuddha
Trayodashi of Vikari Samvatsara, Sh.Sh.
1881 (Wednesday, 20-5-1959). Thereinstallation
ceremony at Shri LakshmiVenkatesha
Temple at Hosdurg was performed byhim
on Chaitra Shuddha Navami, SharvariSamvatsara,
Sh. Sh. 1882 (Monday, 4th April,1960).
The installation of idol of ShriVenkataramana
in Balaji Mandir, Kurla, Mumbaiwas
performed by him on Tuesday, 20th March,1973.
Among the temples renovated and the idolsreinstalled
by the Swamiji are :Shri
Venkataramana Temple, Kasaragod, ShriVaradaraja
Venkataramana Temple, Gurupura,Shri
Venkataramana Temple, Mangalore, SriKrishna
Mandir, Mangalore etc. In addition, heinstalled
various idols at different temples, suchas
Shri Venkataramana and Mahalasa Temples atKonchady
Shri Kashi Math, Shri MuralidharaKrishna
at Kota, Shri Narasimha at ShriRamanjaneya
Temple, Vile Parle (Mumbai), ShriNarasimha
at Shri Venkataramana Temple,Uppinangadi
and Shri Lakshmi VenkateshaTemple
at Mudabidri.In
order to mark the Golden Jubilee of the annualBhajana
Saptaha at Shri Lakshmi VenkateshaTemple,
Kasaragod, it was decided to conduct aYajna
by writing Shri Ramo fai Rama fai faiRama,
52 crore times. Special books wereprepared
for the purpose and members of thecommunity
residing in different parts of thecountry
contributed their share by writing thedivine
name as many times as they could. TheYajna
was conducted in a grand manner underthe
able direction of the Swamiji.On
another memorable occasion the Swamiji wasresponsible
for conducting a Utsava in which theLord
of Tirupati was seated on golden Garuda.The
Swamiji also participated in the divineprocession,
with the accompaniment of recitationof
Vedas, instrumental music, singing of Bhajansetc.The
year 1963 was a red letter day not only inthe
history of Karkala but also in the history ofGoud
Saraswath Brahmin community. It was inthat
year that the heads of the three MathsShrimath
Dwarakanatha Thirtha Swamiji (GokarnaPartagali
Jeevottam Math), Shrimath SudhindraThirtha
Swamiji (Kashi Math) and ShrimathSachhidananda
Sarasvati Swamiji (Kavale Math)observed
their annual Chaturmas Vrita in ShriVenkataramana
Temple, Karkala. Perhaps such anevent
had never occurred in the history of theseMaths
Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji performedthe
Sahasra Kumbhabhisheka in ShriVenkataramana
Temple, Karkala, in March 1969and
in Shri Lakshmi Venkatesh Temple, Udupi inMay
Swamiji founded two Math Bhavans, one atBhagamandala
on the banks of the river Kaveri(in
1960) and another at Bandora in Goa (in1972).
Shri Bhuvanendra Balakashrama, Basrurwill
long be remembered as a worthy monument.Founded
in 1965 under the auspices of ShreeKashi
Math, this institution is a bold venture,where
some of our boys are trained to lead anideal
life. It started functioning by admittingfifteen
students to whom Dharmic education isbeing
imparted. Though the Math had decided tobear
all the expenses in connection with therunning
of the institution many donors from thecommunity
have come forward to defray part ofthe
expenses. An executive committee has beenformed
under the overall guidance of the Swamijito
look after the affairs of the institution.One
of the major achievements of the Swamiji isthe
founding of Shri Kashi Math Welfare Fund inUdupi.
This concept was thought of in 1956,when
the Swamiji was camping in Shri LakshmiVenkatesha
Temple, Udupi, for observing theChaturmas
Vrita. With the noble idea of foundingan
organization, which would try to banish thesocial
and economic ills afflicting the community,a
meeting of the leaders of the communityresiding
in South Kanara was convened in thetemple
on 26th August 1956. Three years later adraft
constitution was approved by thecommunity
members, blessed by the Swamiji andthe
institution was registered on 6th June, 1959.This
provided for a Direction Committee,consisting
of twenty members (all nominated bythe
Swamiji) to implement the various activitiesoutlined
in the constitution. A few of the sixteenobjectives
listed in the constitution are givenbelow
To build up spiritual, religious, moral,educational,
physical, cultural, social andeconomic
life of the members of theSamaj.2.
To help deserving students in prosecutingtheir
studies in Vedic religion or Shastrasor
in Arts, Commerce, Science andprofessional
courses in school andcolleges
by giving them loans orscholarships,
refundable with or withoutinterest.3.
To provide homes for the poor anddeserving
children of the community,giving
them free boarding at suitablecenters.4.
To start, establish, construct, maintain ortake
over maternity homes, orphanages,relief
centers etc. for helping andrehabilitating
the sick for the eradication ofbeggary.5.
To publish and print booklets, books,pamphlets,
magazines and other works onreligious,
social, economic or othersubjects
useful to the communitymembers.6.
To renovate old temples of the communityand
to build or construct and manage newtemples.7.
To give monetary help for the expenses ofthe
marriages of the girls and theupanayanas
of the boys of the absolutelypoor
members of the community and forcremation
of the dead bodies andobsequies
of the absolutely poor membersof
the community.Among
the various objectives adopted in theconstitution,
educational benefits to the youths ofthe
community was chosen as the first field forimplementing
as advised by the Swamiji. Theothers
would be taken up when the organizationis
able to have large resources at its disposal.Under
this scheme, each member of a householdis
expected to pay Rs.50 towards themembership
fee either in a lump sum or ininstallments
and execute a Nirdhara Patra (a sortof
an oath). The Swamiji felt that a spirituallyhealthy,
economically sound and educationallyadvanced
community could be surest guaranteefor
the entire community.The
mode of contribution to the fund has beenslightly
modified since April ] 967. According tothe
modified scheme, annual subscription wouldbe
collected from the members (classified as A,Band
C classes or ordinary members) besidesdonors,
life members and patrons.The
Swamiji was responsible for the setting up ofa
publishing house, Bharatiya SamskritikaPrakatanalaya,
Mumbai in 197] with a suitableconstitution
with the aims and objects ofpublishing
books and leaflets on the Vedic andBharatiya
culture and other allied activities. Themanagement
of the Prakashanalaya is beinglooked
after by a committee of eleven members(all
nominated by the Swamiji). The capitalrequired
for the publication of books is raised bydonations.
One book Shri Hanumad Ramayana inKannada
has been published in ]972.Shrimath
Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji was given asanad
by the Government of Mysore in 1953. Acopy
of the same is reproduced below:TRUE
O. No. 1336 – 7/Muz. 246-36-4 Dated 30thMarch
1938 sanctioning the ordinary honors ofPallakki,
Nagari, Patakaru and Tala to the SriSwamigalu
of Sri Kashi Math, Banaras.G.
O. No. 17-24/Muz. 1-38-88 dated 5th June1939
sanctioning the honors of Swethachatri,Ubhayasana
and Talagalu to the Sri Swamigaluof
Kashi Math, Banaras.Srimukhams
dated 23rd December 1952 and 12thMarch
1953 from Sri Swamigalu of Kashi Math,Banaras,
requesting that a Rahadari permittingthe
Sri Swamigalu to use certain Royal, Specialand
Ordinary Honors and First Day’s Bhiksha ofRs.
50, when he visits Bangalore city, may begranted.Correspondence
ending with letter No. M.I.M. 2.625/52-53
dated 7-4-1953 from the MuzraiCommissioner
in Mysore, recommending sanctionto
the grant of Royal and Special Honors and afirst
day’s Bhiksha of Rs.50/- asked for by SriSwamigalu
of Sri Kashi Math, Banaras.ORDER
NO. R. 13052-65/MUZ. 249-52-4 DatedTHE
10/1211-1953, BANGALORESri
Kashi Math, Banaras, is an ancient Mathhaving
its branches in more than 13 importantplaces
like Allahabad, Rameshwaram andTravancore
with a good number of disciples allover
India. In view of the reverence and highesteem
in which the Sri Swamigalu is held by theSarasvata
Brahmana community all over Indiaand
as the Math has already been granted certainhonors
by this Government, sanction is accordedto
the grant of the followingRoyal
and Special Honors to the Sri Swamigalu ofthe
Math, in addition to those already enjoyed bythe
Math, and a First Day’s Bhiksha of Rs.50/-on
the occasion of the visit of the Sri Swamigaluto
Bangalore. Royal Honors Special Honors1 Hagalu Deevatige5 Ubhaya Chamara2 Makara Torana6 Kavi Nishanigalu3 Dhavala Shankha4 SurepanThe
Muzrai Commissioner is requested to issuethe
necessary Rahadari to the Sri Swamigalu, acopy
of the same being sent to the Governmentfor
reference and record.Sd/-(D,R.
Secretary to GovernmentRevenue
Secretary to GovernmentRevenue
of application 12-12-53Number
of words 368Copying
fees 0-8-0Comparing
fees 0-2-0Copied
by Sd/- (N. Narayana Shetty) 14-12-’53Compared
by Sd/ – (T. S. Ramachandran)Copy
read on 14-12-’53Copy
delivered on 14-12-’53Necessary
orders were issued (partly in Kannadaand
partly in English) to all the Taluk Amaldars inMysore
State by the Muzrai Commissioner inaccordance
with Order No. R-13052-651 Muz.249-
52-4 of 10/12-11-1953, mentioned in theabove
Sanad. A free rendering of a copy of theorders
is as follows -No.
R. Dis. M.I M.2 625-52-53.FromThe
Office of Muzrai Commissioner, MysoreState
the information of the Amaldars of all Taluksin
the Mysore State .Whereas,
Shree Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji,bearing
the titles such as ShrimathParamahamsa
Parivrajakacharya etc. and thehead
of Shri Kashi (Banaras) Math is traveling inMysore
State with the intention of propagatingDharma
and to guide the Goud SaraswathBrahmin
community members on various religiousmatters,
whenever the said Swamiji crosses theboundary
and enters the area under yourjurisdiction,
do not prevent him from doing so.Arrangements
should be made for supplying theprovisions
required by the Swamiji and hisretinue,
from whom the cost of the provisionsshould
be recovered and paid to the merchantsconcerned.
Further, the Swamiji and his retinueshould
be provided with a safe place andarrangements
should be made to see that there isno
danger from thieves and bandits during thenights.
Due respect should be given to theSwamiji
and his retinue.The
following honors are sanctioned by theGovernment
of Mysore as per Order No.13052-65-Muz.
249-52-4 dated 10th day ofNovember
Honors Special Honors1 Hagalu Deevatige1 Ubhaya Chamara2 Makara Torana2 Kavi Nishanigalu3 Dhavala Shankha3 Shweta Chatri4 SurepanOrdinary Honors1. Ordinary Pallakki2. 8 Sepoys3. Ubhayasana4. Camels5. Nagari6. Pipers7. Pathakaru8. Veda Ghoshakas9. Talagala10. Motor Car 111. Elephants12. Bus 113. Horses
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